
Monday, 5 October 2009

MacPorts on Snow

MacPorts on Ice?

the move from Leopard to Snow Leopard can be slippery

... emacs-app won't compile; different versions of python fall over each other; NLTK won't build ...
Here are some tips others have found helpful:


% sudo port selfupdate
% port installed
% sudo port uninstall installed

sudo port selfupdate
brings your MacPorts installation up to date. If this fails you should just start over

port installed
shows you what you currently have installed.

Much of what you see you won't recognise as this also lists the
prerequisites installed to support the things you asked for explicitly.

sudo port uninstall installed
removes all your installed ports

or just start over

I had some problems when I moved to snow leopard, so I also removed
all trace of macports

sudo rm -rf /opt/local \
/Applications/MacPorts \
/Applications/DarwinPorts \
/Library/Tcl/macports1.0 \
/Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 \
/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* \
/Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup \
/Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg \
/Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg \

then reinstall MacPorts

use the Snow Leopard MacPorts disk image

then do

% sudo port selfupdate


which ports are available for snow-leopard? before you decide which ports to install.

% sudo port install  <????>

sudo port install <????>
will install whatever you specify
<????> should be a space-
separated list of port names,
with no <   >

There is a problem with emacs-app—and we can't work without emacs...

install emacs-app

To install emacs-app, first download



% sudo port clean emacs-app
% sudo port install emacs-app
% cd $(port dir emacs-app)
% sudo patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/emacs-app-Portfile-snow-leopard.patch
% sudo cp ~/Downloads/emacs-23.1-snow-leopard.patch ./files/
% sudo port -D . install

Works for me, but your mileage may vary ....

Sunday, 2 August 2009

iPhone overheating

If the sun gets too hot, treat your iPhone to a moist towel and a hat.

The Tech Specs say: Operating temperature: 32� to 95� F (0� to 35� C). Summers in Greece are long and dry, with temperatures often exceeding extremes of 37�C (99�F).

Sailing in Greece the temperature went high, the iPhone overheated, and defensively stopped charging—it said it was charged, which was confusing, as it wasn't. When it got really hot it just gave up altogether and shut down. Our Humminbird Fishfinder GPS unit also shut down from overheating—even before the iPhone did.

How to keep your iPhone cool? Take a moist paper towel, folded to the size of the back of the phone. Put it on the back of the phone and ensure that the air can get to it so that the moisture evaporates gradually. You'll need to take the paper towel off from time to time to moisten it again.

I also used a hat to keep the phone in the shade.

This enabled me to keep navigating with Navionics GPS software in the relentless Greek sun.